Wednesday, February 09, 2005


True to the name of the address , I am a FranticBlogger coz i am writing so many blogs within such a short time. This is my fourth blog after my initiation. And i say only things i wanted to say.

So For that I am Using a language. So let us talk about languages.
So What is language? We could say that language is something needed for communication between two beings. How about that. That is two beings need some medium for communication. So what was the most elementary medium of communication. I have to say chemical methods. That is the single celled beings could have first used only this method. Even now these are still important e.g. pheromones. Oh I forgot. I had first to define communication. What exactly is communication. It is the process by which information is exchanged between individuals(I am redefining it as beings) through a common system.These systems comprise of vocal, sign and chemical communication.
So after this definition we can say that language is for communication. But is there any fool proof system to check whether what you are trying is understood by the other being.
Only thing is we can infer how much the person understood from his reactions. These can never be fool proof. But they are more than satisfactory. We have to rate the language on the ease with which it can communicate all the complex ideas and feelings.
So being aware about the limitation of this medium is absolutely essential. So whatever I write I cannot expect that those who read this including me after sometime. Will have the same idea as I having when I am writing. As much closer as I can come better is the medium. Visual medium is really the most complex from my prespective.

So for communication in any medium you need an actuator and a receptor. These actuator and receptor pair if not present no communication is not possible. In the end that is all communication is all about. Because one being does not perceive exactly as another does so there would be only similar thoughts not the same one.

Pardon if there are errors they are errors due to typing fast.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

where can i get more info?

2:56 PM  

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