Thursday, February 17, 2005

I used to watch CNN and BBC

Yes, I too watched these channels once upon a time. Then these were the bywords of quality channels. To the point, with minimum amount of crass, Informative and supposedly unbiased. I loved the way these channels presented the news. These where what every TV journalists would try to acheive.
Not any more, only Reuters have some credibility still. After the so called "War on Terrorism" (I didnt know these guys could change the meaning of the word entirely.) These guy really suck on a real big scale. They are real sorry excuse for such journalism. Once the sole domain of the politicians rhetioric the so called TV journalists are masters of it. They twist, manipulate, ignore, and ofcourse present false proofs and spoofs for their viewers. These have become what one can call propoganda agencies for the respective governments. Journalist were supposed to be ones who unearthed news not create it. Now they have transcended journalism to become master storytellera like Tolkien & et al. There imaginations are vivid and with no solid evidence.

I really find it funny thinking about there "Embedded Journalism". Once upon a time the war reporter/photographers used to ,brave all the danger to, get the true footage of the war to present the truth as nuetral as possible. Now these so called Embedded Jounalists shoot only what the Soldiers wants them to shoot.
In simple terms now a days any other news channel is better than these.


Blogger aravind said...

If you were trying to confuse me you failed miserably. Sorry and I can assure you that this is not for a some one who is only 12.

If you cant understand it and is confused then you need to reread these posts really carefully. This is because some things can be said only upto a point. And most of what I post about is Ideas. These Ideas are complex , and difficult to communicate for a start.
Then there is the fact that i am Posting about insufficiency of languages to communicate. I see that you have not read it. If you havent read it how can you comment about all the blogs i have written.
Do go through it. If you dont understand i am ready to help you.
Most of the things that i write here are not things which people will understand with the word go. You have to make an effort to understand it. Thats why you were confused. In your case i will make an exception as you are not old enough.
I do welcome all your comments. But try to be more constructive.
Now you see i have made a comment bigger than ma blog.Hehe.

10:05 AM  
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9:54 PM  
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2:58 PM  

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