Sunday, February 20, 2005

How I blog.

Well this is what everyone wants to write about. The blog about blogging. This time this blog is about ,blog which tell you about blogging. Confused? Well what that means that The topic is actually looping. Or in better terms Tangled heirarchy. Ok leaving the abstract and coming to what I wanted to say. How i write the blogs. There are two types of blogs. One is a prepared blog and simply typing blogs as they come to you. I belong to the latter part. I dont like to spend lot of time like some of my friends who check all the errors and make it as presentable as they can.

Given that there blogs are grammatically much better than mine. But I am not writing these blogs to teach grammar to any one. I always have something or other to say. I try to write as my thought flows. This means that as soon as something comes to my mind i write it here. I donot write anything previously. I just sit before this screen and go on typing like this. Seems boring isnt it. I am not really a natural writer but I a natural speaker. Usually we cant write as fast as we think so i do lose very many ideas still if something does come here that is sufficient for me. If I can make atleast one individual think about anything I write I think it is enough. Ofcourse I am not better than anyone else but me being me i have to do what I think is the right thing. Bored to core i hope. Other wise you wont be reading this .


Blogger Erosimian said...

Why dont u try Audio Blogging?

8:17 PM  

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