Sunday, February 20, 2005

Logic Conclusion

This is the last. Reason simple Here i can really help you any more as you will have to think for yourself as everbody tells. I can only show the mind should work if you have to think logically.
This means two things basically. "Dont take anything for granted" and Question anything and everything. First question really speaking you should think about is why did You read this. Being self analytical and trying to find your mind works is a beautiful thing.

So in this last part of the series i will ask some contentious issues. If somebody has understood something of the earlier blogs then you would easily comprehend these. The point is not to think that you cant think.
Why Society? Why religion? Why God? Oh yes reasons for god and religion are different even though they may seem so. Why be ambitious? What is truth? What is existance? Many more.
I cant really help you in this. If I help you then it would only be my thoughts. But i dont want that. I want you to think as much as you can.
This is it.


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