Thursday, March 10, 2005

I Think Therefore I am.

Well to say the damn truth I am terribly short of time. Why because I have to go and catch some beauty and yes I do sleep more so than most. Somedays I sleep even upto 14-15hrs a day for no reason at all and some days i get no sleep at all. But it pretty well evens out in the long run. Ok lemme come back to the topic.
Most of you guys might know what this blog is about. Yes Descartes did say that and I am thinking on it. This is what he said as a proof to "ones own existence" and it does pretty well says it all.

Yes if you can think about anything It shows an awareness at one level or other. Then whats your awareness. How to define it. I would say it is the sum total of all the inputs you get from the surroundings that you could percieve and react to. This doesnot mean that reaction is necessary. Most often there is no reaction it just says that We could point it out. Yes there are certain inputs we get which would be outside our awareness.
And here is the funniest thing of all. Our awareness is not something which we alone develop. It is a result of our existence in our society. This entails that it will always be tuned to the social structure. So here i again echo what I said in my first post. Thats our awareness would have what others are aware about and it goes on. Is nt it just beautiful that these things are connected. And that the connection is there at a level none would expect.


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