Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Havent found the title yet.

Man I feel so irritated by those guys who show righteous anger. Anger as far as I am concerned is not good for either parties. But I am not here to preach. My point was usually these guys cant find a line which is the right one. Whereby they will be usually causing more damage than that was original. Meaning they themselves sees themselves as saviour of other. To me its extremely debatable, because of the mere fact that you cant save or destroy a human being there is nothing like that. I usually find it so irritating.
Well so someone might ask that should we just standby. It is not that I am saying that we should just stand by and let it be. It is that you have to prioritize. Meaning most often than not the social priorities are wrong. You have to constantly evaluate to make the right decisions. Also the method for executing this should never be with force. It should always be a minimum force approach.
I will give an example. For the so called right wing guys all around the world. What happens to there god is so much more important than the sufferings of there countrymen. Arab world is ready to fund for jihad were as they could use it for much more productive areas.

Closer to home there was a case of One Mr Kunhalikutty. He was made to resign because he had sex with a minor. Not because of the allegations about of corruption levelled against him. All people where so worked about this. Not because he was simply partisan.


Blogger Erosimian said...

very interesting.

But in India, corruption is never punished.

A corrupt contractor who makes lakhs and lives in opulence has a good social life (getting invited to all parties and stuff) until he is exposed which is not likely cuz he would have contacts from his social network.

12:23 AM  
Blogger aravind said...

That is not what I meant it about.
It is about the wrong priorities.

It is about the sense of complacency, nothing more nothing less.

9:36 PM  

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