Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Uh Oh

Well was that a brief hiatus or a long one. What ever it was it was the time when my computer was extremely unstable. Ofcourse that might have added to the factors that resulted in me not blogging or onto the net for quiet sometime. Anyways as it is I am somehow back on to this PC try to scribble something thats coming to my mind.

Oh no, not again. Yes thats exactly what happened as it always happens with thoughts. They flutter. They are not those agreeable lot which allows them to be pinned down in some distant corner of a paper or even a PC. They need all the mind space they can muster. Hmm Is this some essay on our mind or thought. Nah its just me rambling as someone has aptly put my blog to be so.
So we will try to differentiate btw whats rambling and something quiete close to that mumbles.

Some one whos is not so aggressive mumbles and someone whos agressive rambles. Does that mean I am agressive. Well if its about ideas I have to say that actually I am a bit aggressive.

Leave all that.

What I was try to tell was about the good thing about the ability to forget. Its also could be called selective memory. Now thats a nice way for a person who selectively remembers only when to eat or sleep. Well done. Any way whats the Advantage of this particular system of memory retention in the head. Well all said and done as you dont remember much your tensions are that much reduced. This wont apply to that type of humans who worry about if they are forgetting something. We have just accepted the fact that we are forgetting everything and moving forward that way its easy for us in the long run. Only prob with the above approach most of us wont remember that we are forgetful. So we will surely agree to any work or help anybody asks us to do and promptly forgets it. So no tension of the work that was not done getting me. Then we dont have the memory to remember how a person acted on us. So we are always the optimistic lot. We will always think that everybody loves us. Even if nothing could be farther from truth than that.
On the flip side we tend to do a lot of priotizing of our work at the last min. Meaning we dont do the work we just dump it in someplace else. Oh we might need to get tensed for a really short period of time like maybe five mins or something when somebody grills us. Getting me its actually fun if you can look at it the right angle. The usual comment on our lot is that we dont take life seriously, thats its all just a joke to us. Well there are some of us who would agree with that because if you got the right attitude then you can think of anything as a joke, atleast almost.
And then there are some ppl who takes life seriously but just that they forgets about taking it seriously. But never make the mistake that forgetful people are stupid. Its just that they have that much more mindscape to think on things that amuse or entertain or irritate them.


Blogger -Poison- said...

yea i capisce!
i have amnesia too.

12:01 AM  
Blogger kickassso said...

But never make the mistake that forgetful people are stupid.
heh heh!
yep.... we've got more important stuff to remember:>

6:17 AM  
Blogger aravind said...

Oh what was that about.

5:37 PM  
Blogger Erosimian said...

i dont forget the wrongs done to me by other people.

but i do forget people's names. But I never forget a face.

forgetting to do work is suicide, atleast to me.

11:43 AM  
Blogger aravind said...

forgetting is actually good. Because it leads to multiple instances of self realization. Which wont be possible for those who cant forget.

7:47 PM  

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