Thursday, February 24, 2005

What I really want this blogs to be about.

Firstly I write these blogs for myself as a record of my thoughts which i will be able to retreive at a future date. Then there is also the fact that if I can make more people think for themselves then I will be really happy. I do have to make a strong distinction between thinking and thinking like me. I some times feel that i am just trying to make all those reading these to think like me.
That is not what is needed. What is needed is that everybody should think for themselves however great the effort might be. Intelligence in you need to be used so that you can really know what you are about. Most people really dont know there self. That is they flow with the currents in the society. I donot believe in that. I dont propose that everyone can do that or that flowing with the soceity is bad just that we might be taking too many things for granted in this context. So you need not be atheistic to think. You need not be liberal to think. It is just that you make that effort. I only try to show how I think, that is all I can do. I dont want to think for others, because I believe that is not at all appropriate.
If you can think you should think and if you cannot then you should why you cant think. That is what I wanted to say.


Blogger Erosimian said...

Well. U are quite successful in making people think.

Keep up the good work.

7:43 PM  

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