Friday, March 11, 2005

The Art Of Lying.

How do you lie is really important for a "successful" Life.So how do you lie is the measure of your honesty actually. Well everybody lies to some extent or the other, Sometime or the other.

Perfect lie is percieved as the truth.IF someone says a perfect lie that none thinks as lie then it is percieved as true by those guys.

So how to go about lying. Well first of all there are different methods to do this and each would be applicable only to a certain kinda individuals.

Well bluffing is simplest kinda lying. You just lie. There is nothing more to it. Meaning you know that it is a lie and then you try to say it to the other person without indicating anything of whats in your mind. Its easier said than done. Basically it is all about assessing the other person and telling something that the other person wants to hear. Thats should be the crux of the whole thing. Meaning You say something that person wanted to hear all along. Or what he expected to hear always. Then they wont check out the improbability of the said fact.
Oh no. I will not divulge more. Would be disastrous for me.


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