Tuesday, July 05, 2005


This is a comment made my brother on my blog long ago that is 5 months ago.


this comment is for every article that you have written. Being a fool myself if i say that you are a fool some will say that you are not a fool but a great man some others will say that you a greater fool than me. All i want to say is that every reaction has an equal and opposite reaction
you wont believe if i say that by the above para i have criticized every blog that you have written.you have got to think deep to find it out. I have a request- learn how to communicate and dont confuse people for the sake of confusing or if you dont know anything to write without confusing then dont write. if you want to confuse,confuse with grace.

By someone you have seen from the age of 7.

2:50 PM

Aravind.V said...

If you were trying to confuse me you failed miserably. Sorry and I can assure you that this is not for a some one who is only 12.

If you cant understand it and is confused then you need to reread these posts really carefully. This is because some things can be said only upto a point. And most of what I post about is Ideas. These Ideas are complex , and difficult to communicate for a start.
Then there is the fact that i am Posting about insufficiency of languages to communicate. I see that you have not read it. If you havent read it how can you comment about all the blogs i have written.
Do go through it. If you dont understand i am ready to help you.
Most of the things that i write here are not things which people will understand with the word go. You have to make an effort to understand it. Thats why you were confused. In your case i will make an exception as you are not old enough.
I do welcome all your comments. But try to be more constructive.
Now you see i have made a comment bigger than ma blog.Hehe.

This blog is for my brother. Who is really great to have with most of the time. Mind you "most of the time". Some times like everyother bro he can be a pain in the ass


Blogger -Poison- said...

precocious generation...for sure

9:53 PM  
Blogger aravind said...

thats a given

9:55 PM  
Blogger Erosimian said...

all i know about his bro is that as a UT gamer he can hold a candle upto the ageing veteran that is me.

looking forward to frag him soon....

8:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been looking for sites like this for a long time. Thank you! » »

11:10 AM  

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