Friday, March 18, 2005


What are morals. Oh yes we all used to read stories which supposed to have a message or a moral in it. Whereby we were to become better beings with good morals. What it was all about was to tell us that" In this society this is the way things are done. You are not supposed to do it anyother way". Meaning then you are bad.
Well ofcourse what i said above is an exageration. But it does a subtle meaning of that kind which is to be imparted to the children. This is because thats the time when we are easily impressible.

Coming back to the topic. In a society there need to be a certain restraints and conventions followed by a critical amount of the members of the society. Then only there can be a smooth functioning of the elments of the society. It is exactly like the axle grease.
This doesnot in any way mean that these morals or values are necessary. Its only in the present social structure that they have any relevance. There could be much better systems where the defective elements are much less than in this system. Our quest should be for this better methods. It is actually like begining from a clean slate.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is easy for anyone to say that there are several other ways for our society to run more efficiently and effectivly. No one that ever claims this can give an example of one, let alone several. Why not set your mind on thinking of a solution insted of being a part of the problem. Stop bitching and try to solve the problems yourself insted of criticizing people that accually do try to make a difference.

9:20 PM  

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