Saturday, July 23, 2005

what kinda Liberty.

Well I am an extremely Liberal person, No dont confuse an anarchist with me. I believe there is never a state of this supposed anarchy because some element somewhere will have enough control on the system to influence its course.
What do I mean by being a liberal. It means that whenever someone starts to speak of controlling somebody else I feel really bad. In other words I believe in Free Will. Ofcourse this idea can be taken to the extreme. But what I mean here is that we should not control people just for the need of it.
Yes in this world there is a certain measure of control elements built into the system and we as a part of this system cant make do without those. Still I believe in the essential goodness of humanity, which means that if nothing is at stake "Nothing", then people will atleast most people would help those in need.

Another point I think i should say is about the propoganda and the public. Yes its actually not that difficult to control the publics mind. Its about feeding there imagination. The techinique is extremely simple tell them what they want to hear. Then they wont ask questions. Simple and the most effective technique. Yes we all can be controlled using this. As a matter of fact we are, Arent we?

Oh dont worry If all that you are bothered is about yourself nothing would happen to you just that most of the decisions you are taking would be decided by somebody else. Most probably or you should have the power of mind to go against the crowd.


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