Saturday, August 13, 2005


OH yeah I am blogging because I said I would. It is all about freaking. Well the exact subject is about those mask and the masqurades. Yes why do people do this. Simply because in the so called civilized society pomp is given importance. That is if can carry of your show you are great. The truth is you need to make people think more or less of a certain characteristic about you as you would like it. It is all a game of trying to manipulate. Sorry manipulate would be too strong a word. I would say suggest, coax etc would be more appropriate for the above said action.

It might seem unsettling to be told that you aint good enough or big enough or significant enough for anyone in the face of this earth. It is fear of this that most people try to overcome and this has been there from the day society came into being. Only the so called Level of Sophistication has changed as the social dynamics today is completely different from the so called social dynamics of yester years. So will it be for the future.
Man might or might not change but I seriously doubt that there will come a society sans pretenses.
Yes I do pretend. Thats the only difference between me and most of the others. I know that I pretend. Then why do Do it? May be because I too am afraid to be seen as insignificant or incapable when compared to others. But I am not so always. Sometimes I am extremely fatalistic meaning the what the hell attitude. I really wont give a damn. There is one more reason for if I am to give up the pretensions then I will have to say what comes to my mind about all those people who do pretend and that might be a extremely painful experience. To be said to their face that you aint that good. In fact you are downright terrible at the particular endeavour.

So coming back to freaking all those guys who are tired yes everyone tires at somepoint or another . They would try to vent those by freaking. It I "believe" is a just a mechanism to counter the pretenses. Were by you do things which might scare the hell outta someone else. I doubt now that freaking is the apt word for this phenomena. But it does come close. That will suffice for my purpose.
YES for me bloggin is kinda Freaking.


Blogger Erosimian said...

Its so exasperating to smile when u dont want to smile.

7:43 PM  
Blogger aravind said...

It is all about smiling thinking about this paradox.

8:25 PM  
Blogger -Poison- said...

it is a relief to know that there are others who have similar feelings towards life, in general. i have no idea why i lose my grip on the fraudulent drama of life, every two months or so. i ought to become a hermit or something.

9:55 PM  
Blogger -Poison- said...

i love u man

10:23 PM  
Blogger Erosimian said...

hermit? count me in.


10:29 AM  
Blogger aravind said...

What do you impose. The feeling is mutual

6:47 PM  
Blogger lost optimist..^!^ said...

its bout wantin everyone to like u.. bein nice to everyone..the cravin to be accepted ..sometimes i wonder..whts the point!..does it really matter?!

12:45 PM  
Blogger aravind said...

@lost optimist

Sorry You lost the point. It has nothing to do with acceptance. It is about not hurting others.
To say that "what you believe in is completely wrong " will never be accepted by most. So it is never about acceptance. As far as I am concerned acceptance comes from within.
If you can read my very first post. It will tell you about how we deal with society.

9:42 PM  
Blogger aravind said...

As for points I could tell you about fractals. The beauty of fractals is that it looks the same atleast supposed to look same from whatever distance you are viewing it.

Like that the point depends on how close or how far you are from the point.

9:47 PM  
Blogger lost optimist..^!^ said...

ya..true..people dont really want a honest opinion..they just wana hear good things...

5:27 PM  

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