AMD And Microsoft to Partner
"AMD today announced that it will partner with Microsoft to bring the first x86-based 64-bit servers to Microsoft Technology Centers (MTC) worldwide. Microsoft plans to deploy and use enterprise-class HP ProLiant DL145 and DL585 servers powered by the AMD Opteron™ processor at MTC locations in North America, Europe and Asia. These systems will enable MTC customers to migrate, test and validate 64-bit applications while preserving their investment in 32-bit applications. "
Aint it funny two days after Intel and Apple decided to join hands these to decided to join hands. Seems the ol Wintel is in for the axe. Talking of Buisness.
Courtsey Physorg
Aint it funny two days after Intel and Apple decided to join hands these to decided to join hands. Seems the ol Wintel is in for the axe. Talking of Buisness.
Courtsey Physorg
no joy for destktops yet eh...good:D
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Dude slow down. I aint interested.
I am interested only in intellect.
thank god... at last AMD has a fighting chance against chipzilla. AMD rocks as OEM.
I love reading about computer systems. Everytime I buy a new one I end up taking it apart and trying to see how it ticks. I have been searching the blogs looking for posts by people who have the same interests.
amd low power cpu
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