Saturday, December 17, 2005

Free Will

This was something I am extremely confused about. All the while I am thinking I am for Free Will, I dont know whether I could say that there really exists any free will.

So lets approach it in a logical manner. How can we define Free Will. Free Will must mean Will of a Person which has not been influenced by another will.

Usually this refers to the blatant abuse of ones rights. But what about that abuses which are not that obvious.

There are a lot of questions in my mind.
These are the most significant of them.

Do we take into account the influences by others mind?
Do we limit this to adults only?
Do we limit it to children only?

Usually for the first question the answer that comes to mind is a certain No. This means that we the influences of another mind is not considered. But Is that case possible if another person exists. And even unconsciously he might communicate his attitude towards a particular issue or concept. This will influence the Subject person to some varying degree.

We might want to believe that we define who we are. But thats only up to an extent. Right from my first post I have discussed this. We do try to define who we are, but such a definition has certain constraints in a society. A person evaluates himself by what he feels he is capable of and a society evaluates him by what he has achieved. So in turn how the society accepts the person will have some influence on his mind. It might be negative or positive depending on the person concerned.

So its basically like a fogged mirror. To some extent you define yourself to others whereby this definition includes how others look upon you. The rest of your definition even you know would be totally in the realm of fantasy. Its like me defining I am such and such. You might believe in that but others wont. If others dont believe that its usually because they dont percieve any similarity with how you percieve yourself.

Now the question of adults. Its funny meaning whos an adult we can define it physically or mentally, but the bottomline is whos one. We might say a society might decide. But can we pinpoint or atleast point a group which comprisess this so called society? This society comprises of one and all. As we dont exactly have a common consciousness there cant be any unanimous definition. Moreover can we say at any point in time that a society is all ways right. So do we go by the majorities decision. Even a majority is controlled usually by a minority.

Adults are such an overrated term. For me it suggest something about lack of imagination and flexibility. So the question is this from what point in a persons life does a free will get significant. "If let to children(I know Ididnt define Children but as I have discussed enough about adults you can make your own opinion on this one.) in a society like ours they are sure to make unproductive demands on the societies resources which are not justifiable". This was an opinion I made. This is exactly what I meant by adult attitude that children dont know enough.

Sometimes those who are called children would supprise you by their clarity. Because they havent been influenced by all those things which usually clouds an adults will. And then again there will could be easily bend one way or other. The reason why wise words emanate from a child is because his mind is not exaclty structured the way a society structures a adults mind.

Anyway I need to say something more about Free Will.Think about all those ads targeted at kids. Do you think they wont be influenced by these brands when these kids become adults. Thats they really no longer have much of a free will. This will is usually changed by the characteristics of the society if he lives as a part of the society.

So I agree there are a lot of things on which we do still use Free will and where they are still valid, but my point is its lot more limited than what we might feel.


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