Sunday, December 25, 2005

Questions are they?

Whatever I write would be a mirage of the truth. Because I dont believe in truth. Whatever I write would be just a smoke screen to what I mean. Because Facts are difficult to discern.

Truth for me is the perception of facts by each and every individual. Facts are something we need to look at. We should make allowances to our errors. But dare we do that, accept ourselves that we can make mistakes. Never.

Isnt that why sometimes I am so full of myself. I am but a mirror. I am a mirror to you too.

All my thoughts, all my desires, all my feelings, how much of these are completely mine. I know not. Where do my discretion start or rather where does it end.

Dont my influence spread throught the world like a pebble in an ocean. And Mind you remember one tenet of Chaos Theory. That infinitesimaly small change in initial condition can bring huge difference like in turbulence.

Or they might not. Who or what needs to know that. Isnt it the feeling that we need to know that has driven humans this far. Or is this far at all? Arent we petty creatures controlled by flights of imagination.

These questions are all ................................


Blogger -Poison- said...

i read somewhere that the last 100 years has seen more progress than the last 2000 years before that. intriguing.

about the truth. we dont know what truth is. we dont even know if we exist for real. but then, the question which naturally arises is of course, what is real? to tell the truth, we are like blind mice in a maze...

8:42 PM  
Blogger -Poison- said...

and u might be a reflection of the truth or an abstraction of it. and we dont know if we have free will for sure...i refrain from announcing more evidences to the extent of my stupidity!

8:43 PM  
Blogger aravind said...

Truth is a word which you(read the society)put meaning into.
And I am working on the platform with sufficient proof for the apparent reality. So from that premise even truth is individualistic and inconsistent.

8:51 PM  
Blogger kickassso said...

whats , er, the point in being a mirror and asking questions only? If everyone was a mirror, then there would be nothing to see.Granted, everyone is not. but still why?

12:52 AM  
Blogger aravind said...

Sorry I didnt get your question.

Between everyone is not a mirror. What I meant by the particular statement was that I mirror whatever characterisitcs that can be found in the society.

Its actually about multiple references to the same sentence. Something like infinite loop.

1:51 AM  

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