These are about the analytical tools I usually use.
I think they are rather becoming dull. It might be just my feeling. I also have a feeling that these are inappropriate for many a things.
Anyway these are not in the exact order. I had to reboot while I was writing this thing. So i amdoing it again.
These tools are basically Ideas and concepts
Paradox:This is that there are seemingly paradoxical things in this world. Eg as in the case of a more energetic wave having less penetrating power. Simply said the higher the energy more disproportionately the wave need to spend on each particle the its is incident on. So this tool tells us that even there are paradoxes , it means that
Chaos Theory: Its a beautiful idea. It says that there is order in chaos. Its just that we are not able to percieve that theres the order. So random events are not random. Theres no exact proof for these things. Avalanches and turbulent flow is the ideas used to describe this concept.
Neurons: Ones awareness is the result of the pattern of firing of neurons. Where by the whole spectrum of our mental activity is the direct result of this. And this pattern itself is the awareness.
Perception: This means that one can only percieve facts. Thats how we take facts into our system. Yes that process is what I mean by perception. One persons perception of facts might differ from another's. We cant quantify or qualify a fact without a reference.
Subjective: We can think only from our perspective. Theres no point in thinkin about thinking in others perspective. So even if we switch one subjective view we will be taking another one. this cant be replaced. Purely objective view of things is not possible Because as you are alive your awareness thinks with references to self.
Relative: This is about the whole thought process in general. The relativity means that every thing requires a reference. Humans have the urge to classify things. Because it makes it easier to identify a property or characteristic with the said object.
Intelligence: This is something I have talked a lot in this blog of mine. Here it doesnt refer who does a sum fastest. It refers one abilities in general. One may the intelligence of colours, music, abstract, numbers, ideas, taste, touch the list might be longer than what I think :D. The point is its the ability to percieve that property of a thing better than average.
Logic: This is one of the most important tools as its obvious. To tell in a nutshell it means that dont take anything for granted. Meaning from one step to next you have to go through it systematically. Otherwise your result is susceptible to be false.
I suppose it covers most of them. There might be one or two I missed out.
I think they are rather becoming dull. It might be just my feeling. I also have a feeling that these are inappropriate for many a things.
Anyway these are not in the exact order. I had to reboot while I was writing this thing. So i amdoing it again.
These tools are basically Ideas and concepts
Paradox:This is that there are seemingly paradoxical things in this world. Eg as in the case of a more energetic wave having less penetrating power. Simply said the higher the energy more disproportionately the wave need to spend on each particle the its is incident on. So this tool tells us that even there are paradoxes , it means that
Chaos Theory: Its a beautiful idea. It says that there is order in chaos. Its just that we are not able to percieve that theres the order. So random events are not random. Theres no exact proof for these things. Avalanches and turbulent flow is the ideas used to describe this concept.
Neurons: Ones awareness is the result of the pattern of firing of neurons. Where by the whole spectrum of our mental activity is the direct result of this. And this pattern itself is the awareness.
Perception: This means that one can only percieve facts. Thats how we take facts into our system. Yes that process is what I mean by perception. One persons perception of facts might differ from another's. We cant quantify or qualify a fact without a reference.
Subjective: We can think only from our perspective. Theres no point in thinkin about thinking in others perspective. So even if we switch one subjective view we will be taking another one. this cant be replaced. Purely objective view of things is not possible Because as you are alive your awareness thinks with references to self.
Relative: This is about the whole thought process in general. The relativity means that every thing requires a reference. Humans have the urge to classify things. Because it makes it easier to identify a property or characteristic with the said object.
Intelligence: This is something I have talked a lot in this blog of mine. Here it doesnt refer who does a sum fastest. It refers one abilities in general. One may the intelligence of colours, music, abstract, numbers, ideas, taste, touch the list might be longer than what I think :D. The point is its the ability to percieve that property of a thing better than average.
Logic: This is one of the most important tools as its obvious. To tell in a nutshell it means that dont take anything for granted. Meaning from one step to next you have to go through it systematically. Otherwise your result is susceptible to be false.
I suppose it covers most of them. There might be one or two I missed out.
what is the use of analysis
Well you doing that just now :D? Analysing about the use of analysing
Cool guestbook, interesting information... Keep it UP
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