My project.
Oh yeah the deadline for submission is creeping on me, as my ghost pointed out so well. The facts are the whole of sensor design and Application design part is over. Even Logic design is over up to an extent. But I need to get the damn PIC. Make the PCB layout and then the casing design. Seems quite a lot to me. So what do I do. I do nothing.
Hopes that PIC reaches here before the deadline. Hopes that the PCB guys will make the PCB's in record time. On top of this hope that the thing will work after all of these. So much for hopes. Well Atleast the tricky sensor part we negotiated completely. The IR detector really sucks. Means it took up our entire time. In electronics parlance it acts funny everytime it turns on. :D.
Now its just a race against time. But mind you thats the only thing I am good at. But one thing I can say with pride(if the thing works) We did it by ourselves.
Hopes that PIC reaches here before the deadline. Hopes that the PCB guys will make the PCB's in record time. On top of this hope that the thing will work after all of these. So much for hopes. Well Atleast the tricky sensor part we negotiated completely. The IR detector really sucks. Means it took up our entire time. In electronics parlance it acts funny everytime it turns on. :D.
Now its just a race against time. But mind you thats the only thing I am good at. But one thing I can say with pride(if the thing works) We did it by ourselves.