Inherent Incoherence
This is a verbal experiment. The form which I havent decided yet.
In this world everyone adheres to one system or another system of belief. I was born as any baby would be without the structure of the systems imprinted into my mind.
Or is there an underlying system which every human has? That remains to be seen. In all probability there might by.
So as I grow through the interactions and interferences with this world through my parents, relatives, peers, teachers and very many other people , I start forming the structure of how I see this world. As at present I have tried to keep it a fluid one. Thats a structure that can be dismantled with ease.
But the fact is that I neither have the will nor the time or the needed effort to dismantle the whole system and in place built one which is entirely based upon rational thought. Such an endeavour is a challenge in itself, rivaling the great achievements a human can accomplish. In future I might or I might not.
So what exactly is this system. Its the system of belief, Humans need to attribute certain human qualities to the world around them to make inhabitable. They attribute kindness, cruelity etc to nature. Thats abstract meaning to tangible objects. This is also like saying Sun is bright. where Sun is the object which is "supposed" to be physically tangible and bright is the abstract concept we have attributed to the sun.
Each system equips a person in different levels to exist. Yes thats the primal objective of all these systems. To survive and populate.
Here I would like to quote what Russel said about philosophy " Uncertainity, in the presence of vivid hopes and fears, is painful but must be endured if we wish to live without the support of comforting fairy tales."
So each system gives the individual a kind of abstract worldview using which he might feel at ease with this world. At the same time if the view is completely unrelated to the world there comes a conflict of needs, where the primal needs and the needs created by the new system contradict. ( I am not saying it exactly the way I want to.) There are no indubitable answers in this world.
Theres nothing absolute. This means that whatever I might say or believe or want to believe is neither right nor wrong. I for myself now think myself as an Atheist. It is supposed to be one who doesnt believe in GOD. As of now Its just another system, albeit according to me a better one.
"Life No argument
We have mapped out for ourselves a world in which we can bear to live-by positing bodies, lines place, causes and effects motion and rest, fomr and content. Without these articles of faith nobody could tolerate life- but that is no proof of the truth of any of them. Life is no argument. THe conditions of life may include error."
This is what Neitzsche said sometimes, somewhere.
Here we have that the system will temper our thoughts. Now I dont believe in any "purpose" neither does I have any ambitions. I still do like to be with my fellow beings so much so that I will act like them to be with them. At one level I will take childish when someone gives me something I cherish. Yes I do cherish a lot of material things. These material things are not exactly what would be called necessary for life. It is just that in some point in life due to the enviroment I live in, I have come to like them and would love to have them. Even though till now I havent made an effort from my part to get them.
This system That I have made for myselves seems really comfortable. But I know there might be some fallacies inbuilt in it. And I dont want to be blind to it. Yes maybe I can live an existance where I turn a blind eye to all these. But then I would be simply limiting my experience. Its like a man closing his eyes and proclaiming theres no light. As an afterthought actually is there something called light?
Its the ability to change that is important. Its the ability to change ones perspective from one to the other that makes him more than he was. I know that or atleast I think I know that after five years I wont think like this. At the very least there will be a subtle shift but sometimes I might have embraced a completely different system of thought. I think I can feel that I am changing by the second. So each second is valuable.
The whole reason for this blog was a need for expression. To whom I dont know. Maybe just to myself, maybe to few of my friends.
In this world everyone adheres to one system or another system of belief. I was born as any baby would be without the structure of the systems imprinted into my mind.
Or is there an underlying system which every human has? That remains to be seen. In all probability there might by.
So as I grow through the interactions and interferences with this world through my parents, relatives, peers, teachers and very many other people , I start forming the structure of how I see this world. As at present I have tried to keep it a fluid one. Thats a structure that can be dismantled with ease.
But the fact is that I neither have the will nor the time or the needed effort to dismantle the whole system and in place built one which is entirely based upon rational thought. Such an endeavour is a challenge in itself, rivaling the great achievements a human can accomplish. In future I might or I might not.
So what exactly is this system. Its the system of belief, Humans need to attribute certain human qualities to the world around them to make inhabitable. They attribute kindness, cruelity etc to nature. Thats abstract meaning to tangible objects. This is also like saying Sun is bright. where Sun is the object which is "supposed" to be physically tangible and bright is the abstract concept we have attributed to the sun.
Each system equips a person in different levels to exist. Yes thats the primal objective of all these systems. To survive and populate.
Here I would like to quote what Russel said about philosophy " Uncertainity, in the presence of vivid hopes and fears, is painful but must be endured if we wish to live without the support of comforting fairy tales."
So each system gives the individual a kind of abstract worldview using which he might feel at ease with this world. At the same time if the view is completely unrelated to the world there comes a conflict of needs, where the primal needs and the needs created by the new system contradict. ( I am not saying it exactly the way I want to.) There are no indubitable answers in this world.
Theres nothing absolute. This means that whatever I might say or believe or want to believe is neither right nor wrong. I for myself now think myself as an Atheist. It is supposed to be one who doesnt believe in GOD. As of now Its just another system, albeit according to me a better one.
"Life No argument
We have mapped out for ourselves a world in which we can bear to live-by positing bodies, lines place, causes and effects motion and rest, fomr and content. Without these articles of faith nobody could tolerate life- but that is no proof of the truth of any of them. Life is no argument. THe conditions of life may include error."
This is what Neitzsche said sometimes, somewhere.
Here we have that the system will temper our thoughts. Now I dont believe in any "purpose" neither does I have any ambitions. I still do like to be with my fellow beings so much so that I will act like them to be with them. At one level I will take childish when someone gives me something I cherish. Yes I do cherish a lot of material things. These material things are not exactly what would be called necessary for life. It is just that in some point in life due to the enviroment I live in, I have come to like them and would love to have them. Even though till now I havent made an effort from my part to get them.
This system That I have made for myselves seems really comfortable. But I know there might be some fallacies inbuilt in it. And I dont want to be blind to it. Yes maybe I can live an existance where I turn a blind eye to all these. But then I would be simply limiting my experience. Its like a man closing his eyes and proclaiming theres no light. As an afterthought actually is there something called light?
Its the ability to change that is important. Its the ability to change ones perspective from one to the other that makes him more than he was. I know that or atleast I think I know that after five years I wont think like this. At the very least there will be a subtle shift but sometimes I might have embraced a completely different system of thought. I think I can feel that I am changing by the second. So each second is valuable.
The whole reason for this blog was a need for expression. To whom I dont know. Maybe just to myself, maybe to few of my friends.