These are the general tips they may or may not apply to anybody. This means that some of it might be true other may be completely false. If you do not feel so do tell.
1. Dont talk , act as if you are thinking. Dont say a word. Keep your mouth shut. You may sleep. Try to do it with your eyes open that is if you can. I see that it helps.
2. Say that I am the most stupid person. Dont over do it. Usually tell it once a week. That is the ideal rate. Never tell what you really , stupid would be a gross underestimation of the facts. Say instead I was thinking about some thing related to . Like "I was thinking about it from another angle" and failed see the consequences.
3. When somebody ask you What are you thinking? Just tell "I was thinking about why we exist? and so on. DONT elaborate what you think about existance as you most probably wont know the meaning of it.
Remember at all times that most probably they are much more intelligent than you are. So dont take risk. If you dont open your mouth and act like thinking you can actually pull it off.
4. Join all those communities in Orkut about the philososphers. People seeing this will think that , you are some one really intelligent. Try to post as much as possible. Then write a profile saying the truth. That is You dont know yourself.
5. Start Blogging. Use a stupid name. That usually pays of. Write about all things that comes to your mind. But mind you never make it clear what you are trying to say. Just confuse them as much as you can. Write about Physics and Philosophy as much as possible. It is sure shot ,people would think that you are brilliant.
6. Ofcourse you need to read the back of the books as much as possible and if possible read some books that you might understand, atleast the language, leave the content. Who needs the content. Then write a review as big as you can. Telling you liked that and this about that story.
7. When you speak you should be careful to use as little words as possible more and you might be in trouble. Also try to invent words so that others wont understand it. Then tell it is french or greek.
This is all for today.
Have a nice day. Oh i forgot do tell "Have a nice day" always . It does help a lot.
PS: When you are writing always make as many mistakes as possible.
this comment is for every article that you have written. Being a fool myself if i say that you are a fool some will say that you are not a fool but a great man some others will say that you a greater fool than me. All i want to say is that every reaction has an equal and opposite reaction
you wont believe if i say that by the above para i have criticized every blog that you have have got to think deep to find it out. I have a request- learn how to communicate and dont confuse people for the sake of confusing or if you dont know anything to write without confusing then dont write. if you want to confuse,confuse with grace.
By someone you have seen from the age of 7.
2:50 PM
If you were trying to confuse me you failed miserably. Sorry and I can assure you that this is not for a some one who is only 12.
If you cant understand it and is confused then you need to reread these posts really carefully. This is because some things can be said only upto a point. And most of what I post about is Ideas. These Ideas are complex , and difficult to communicate for a start.
Then there is the fact that i am Posting about insufficiency of languages to communicate. I see that you have not read it. If you havent read it how can you comment about all the blogs i have written.
Do go through it. If you dont understand i am ready to help you.
Most of the things that i write here are not things which people will understand with the word go. You have to make an effort to understand it. Thats why you were confused. In your case i will make an exception as you are not old enough.
I do welcome all your comments. But try to be more constructive.
Now you see i have made a comment bigger than ma blog.Hehe.